Results consumer survey 2023 | Gut health a major concern

January 18, 2024

In 2023, we repeated the consumer survey in Europe with a focus on UK, France, Germany, The Netherlands and Poland. More than 2500 respondents between the ages of 18 and 75 participated. Our latest research shows that consumers are increasingly aware and interested in fiber.   

Gut health 

Gut health is an important topic for European consumers, for 80% gut health is a concern. To get more insight into the perspectives of European consumers regarding fibers, digestive health and prebiotics, Sensus performed a new consumer survey. 

Sugar intake 

Sugar is on top of minds. 89% of the consumers read the packaging information when they want to purchase a product. They pay attention to the following information: sugar content (57%), calories (54%) and added sugar (48%).  

43% of European consumers want to reduce their sugar intake in the coming years. 54% are already actively looking for sugar reduced products when shopping for groceries.  

Fiber gap 

As many as 45% of the European consumers think that fiber is the strongest influence on digestive health. 49% of the respondents think they are consuming enough fiber daily. That is noteworthy, because 86% of them have no idea what the recommended daily intake of fiber is. 1 in 4 want to improve fiber intake in the coming years and 71% agree that gut health has an influence on overall health & wellbeing.   


There is an increasing consumer interest in prebiotics. 2 in 3 consumers are interested in consuming products that contain prebiotics. The most given answer on ‘what health benefits are you associating with prebiotics’ is digestive health (47%), immune system (32%) and mental wellbeing (21%). 

 By using chicory root fiber to reduce sugar and add more fiber in your products without losing taste and texture, we can make the world a little healthier together.  

Jolanda Vermulst (Manager Market Intelligence) shares some interesting outcomes in the video below. Get in contact with our European sales team via for more outcomes or download the infographic. 

Download the infographic: Consumer insights 2023

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