Chicory inulin again verified as the only natural dietary fiber

March 10, 2022

Sensus dietary fibers Frutafit® inulin and Frutalose® oligofructose are again confirmed to be natural ingredients, in accordance to ISO/TS 19567:2017. This means that the full range of Sensus chicory inulin and oligofructose products qualifies as natural according to this guideline. About 5 years after ISO set a new guideline for food ingredients to be called ‘natural’, chicory root fiber is still the only dietary fiber able to achieve this verification.

‘Occurring in nature’ is exactly the focus of ISO when determining the ‘naturalness’ of an ingredient. In fact, inulin has been part of our daily diet historically and there are over 36,000 plants in the world that contain inulin fiber, like banana, wheat and garlic. The inulin is extracted with hot water from chicory roots, which contain a high level of inulin. The inulin fiber delivered to the customer is the same as you can find it within the chicory root.

To become verified as natural, an ingredient must occur in nature. For this reason, not many other dietary fibers will qualify for this verification, simply because they do not occur in nature. Although some producers will claim that their fibers are from ‘natural origin’, you will not find these fibers in nature. Chicory root fiber is today still the only dietary fiber that is verified as natural according to ISO.

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